Michael Sundburg interviews Officer Lance LeDoux of the Hendersonville Police Department NC at Southern Streams CoffeeHouse Coffee With A Cop Event. Shout out to Hungry in Hendo and LuceyAgency. Officer LeDoux who prefers to be called Lance or just simply LeDoux said that he would like to add that the City of Hendersonville has around the year school in session and that even in the summertime the school zone speed limits still apply. April 4th, 2024
Hendo.Today Production of Mike Vesley Describing The Hendersonville Police Motorcycle Training Program and shows some of the highlights from the training. October, 16 2018
Hendersonville Police Chief Herbert Blake describes the services provided by his department. Officer Michele Hoyle describes a few personal traits a new officer must process to be considered before being hired. Administrative Assistant III Melissa Justus talks about her rape prevention class. Officer Andy Massey tells about events where he and other motorcycle officers provide escorts. Public Information Officer Tara Ledbetter cover the shop with a hero event. Sergeant Curtis Philon talks about the roles of being a school resource officer. Officer Jeffrey Tankersley talks about how he builds a connection with the community as a housing officer. Jan 11, 2018